18 March 2022 | PROTEA BANKS
Current: Strong
Viz: 15-20m
Sea Temp: 24 degrees Celsius
DIVE 1 – Southern Pinnacle:
On the reef 3 Hammerhead Sharks in the distance and Two Eagle Ray’s with lots of Bigeye Kingfish.
One Zambezi (Bull)Shark and a Round Ribbontail Ray over Sandshark Gulley.
2 Oceanic Blacktip Sharks mid water for the rest of our dive time. AND A BLACK MARLIN ON OUR SAFETY STOP!!
DIVE 2 – Southern Pinnacle:
2 Round Ribbontail Rays and 2 Potato Bass on the reef.
2 Oceanic Blacktip Sharks mid water.
Flying fish seen from the boat.